to all the participants of of LICE's which just took place on
22.05.2016.We are thankful to each and everybody of SNATTA for the
belive they are keeping on CHQ.We are thankful to all those great
leaders of SNATTA for their commitment towards conducting the exam.We
are very very thankful towards BSNLEU who have continiously moved with
us to cross every barrier and finally made the LICE happen.
As we have
told,we are committed to conduct all the LICEs for all our brothers and
sisters.The first one has gone,two more to come.As we know that the LICE
was put on hold in BIHAR Circle,We are more committed to conduct the
held examination as soon as possible and request once again to all not
to go to court.We are very much shocked enough to learn that our long
aspiring JTO LICE exam is happeing on earth and some people(we don't
know their kind) is doing court case to create further litigations and
hurdles!These activities not only destroying the hope SNATTA is trying
to materialse but also putting thousands of TTAs carrer in
jeopardy.Instead of giving representation to court,if they gave their
representaion to SNATTA, then CHQ can try solve the hurdles.
Well,lets work on the remaining two examinations and specially the halted exam of BIHAR Cirlce.