On the issue of Pay Protection to the Non Executive employees recruited on and after 01.01.2007 by way 30% fitment benefit, management and staff side argued their viewpoint strongly. Management side has accepted that the pay protection formula envisaged in the Wage Orders is not at all effective to address the issue and thus a comprehensive formula has to be devised to solve the issue.From SNATTA site 30% fitment benefit is demanded as given to the JTO (T) recruited after 01.01.2007. Since the management side insisted on some other formula as compensation, it was agreed to sit outside the National Council under the Chairmanship of Sh. D.P. De, General Manager (Estt), BSNL, Corporate Office to explore the ways to solve the issue.It has happened first time ever that the issue will be continued in the NCM till it is resolved even though a separate committee will look into it. CHQ will make all out efforts to get the genuine right of the DRTTAs recruited after 01.01.2007.