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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

13-02-2014 : "Sampadakiya Pratibedan" submitted by Circle Secretary Amit Khan at Circle here for the copy....

                                                         “SAMPADAKIYA PRATIBEDAN”

Dear Colleagues and comrades,

First of all I thank all of you and your extensive support to conduct our  4th Circle Conference  SNATTA WBTC. Thanks a lot to the comrades from very far end of our circle for attending conference. We hope this conference will make us more compact and united and we may convey a strong message to unions as well as administration so that our interest in all respect may be saved.
Dear friends the circle executive committee after its formation tried its best to uplift snattawbtc. First of all we felt the need of some ruling in snattawbtc in addition to our CHQ Rules without hampering the purpose of SNATTACHQ guideline or Rule. So many circles after its adoption in our circle appreciated it and also it is told such rules should be adopted in CHQ also as existing rules are not enough to run such All India Base and not enough to make it transparent in accounting etc as you know there is no accounts periodically after every FY are being published by CHQ. It is so necessary and urgent.
We also feel CHQ irregularly updated website are hampering the motive of our member, demoralizing the members.  Any website is the face of any unity and sign of level of activity. Without any excuse the website should be updated regularly.

We propose restructuring of CHQ and its policy and  increase smooth co-ordination among CHQ , Circle & Division for betterment of our unity.
In our circle  we have started with only approax  Rs.1108 /- but then with full support of our members , we were able to send more than 12000/- to chq , send delegates to CHQ two times , distribution of calendar among members. Not only that after various activity we are now familiar to circle administration , in various cases came from various SSA like purulia, kharagpur etc , we solved it immediately  as soon as possible. friends  only unity is the main criteria to solve any issue.
Our SNATTA wbtc website is now the mostly updated website among all other circle website.
Our fund collection status is poor. Fund is one of the most essential to run any association. Our circle accounts is  managed  well and transparently . after completion of every FY , the account is audited by auditor and then published in website.
In circle level as well as in Silliguri SSA level one issue is still pending.. we make thank s to the SNATTA siliguri SSA for persuasion and issuance of transfer order but due to trade unions hidden caliber only one was allowed to be transferred. As such only the DRTTAs are being hammered , they are being pressurized keeping others in relax. We protest  all this and after this conference we should move all out effort for them.
Dear friends we shall not only criticize CHQ but also we should see own face in own mirror.  First of all ask yourself before asking any queries for result that how much we have done  How much we have devoted for SNATTA.  if SNATTA could not done any thing then it’s you to be blamed and it’s you to be responsible for any undone. Can you remember when we call teleconference , only few came and rest absent with all excuse of work. For you, snatta work is less important than any thing of you, then how can you expect that trade union will give the maximum gravity on your issue. Learn to give importance on your own issue then expect that your issue will be given due importance by other ? . some people are still silent just selfishly. Friends approach them and bring with us , otherwise we may not succeed and if not then these silent people are the only responsible for whom our issues not being resolved.
So come on and wake up and join us.
a)      Wage revision issue : it is the burning issue of our association at present & thankfull to snatta chq for making Court case in time regarding wage erosion otherwise our issues may not alive till now. However it is learnt that only one increment will be given to post 2007 emplyees who are appointed before may 2010 , with or without arrear. We strongly protest this. If we are not eligible to get fitment benefit then surely we should be given revision upwards with same parity by any other means.
But it is sad to say that administration and others told our wage loss is due to wrongly given D.A. merger to this employees. But alas ! they don’t know that merger of D.A. is applicable to the employees alive in any Concern after the date of effect of merger.  These documents also sent to all level.
Also it is being spread by some end that wage revision is not for post 01-01-2007 employees then why we are being  hampered ? wage revision and merger both depends on market price index , so all existing employees are eligible to get it. as per DPE guideline on wage revision that “01-01-1997 pattern  scale of pay is to be revised w.e.f. 01-01-2007” it does not means that  employees after 01-01-2007 wil not get benefit.
One increment may not equalize our loss because our” total loss = Actual reduction in wage+  benefit of hike at par with fitment formula”. This is our total loss in salary. This amount is to be recouped. Otherwise we should prepare to go upto  Hon”ble  supreme court. 
b)     JTO RR 2014 :  first of all congratulation to all DRTTAs got JTO appointment as per JTO RR 2001 after a long fight. We got this platform after their so much contribution. However suddenly JTO RR 2014 is being considered so that Off JTOS  be induced. We should not silent if we get hampered in vacancy.  As such  we propose some modification in the rule as “ 3 Yrs  for JTO LICE, 7 yrs for JTO through screening exam, 10 yrs for walk in group “. We should shout for demand. Thanks CHQ for raising such demands.
c)      Superannuation benefit : we shoutedly demand 30% superannuation benefit  for DR employees.
d)     Not only we should shout for any injustice to DRTTAs in BSNL.

Last of all we should work with full payment, work with full dignity and work with full dedication.
We hope we shall more compact after our conference and save ourselves, our BSNL  ,our Nation.

SNATTA ZINDABAD……………………………………………………………………