Any suggestion regarding development of SNATTA westbengal …. pl. mail to our cs in e-mail ID or to our CP at mail

Thursday, August 20, 2015

21-08-2015: the Circle executive body meeting /snattawb alongwith Kolkata SSA general body meeting is going to be conducted in schedule date on 22nd august at CTO Instiute hall. kolkata....

GS Anup Mukherejee alongwith legal committee member Kousik ghosh, sandeep parui,
saikat majhi , CS , snattaCTD , prasun ghosh, CP ,snattaCTD, Sankara Sanyal , snattaCTD will attend in the part of General discussion on CHQ issue....
All CEC member alongwith respective DS, DT, DP of snattawb are requested to attend without any fail.....

20-08-2015: Sri Anirban Chowdhury, Asstt Circle Secretary, snattawb represents snatta wb in state forum meeting of all executive and non-executive associations or unions of BSNL.....

Monday, August 3, 2015

03-08-2015:Circle Secretary called Our All India General Secretary, Sri Anup Mukherejee over telephone and requested to present in our circle executive body meeting on 22-08-2015.

03-08-2015: decision taken in teleconference meeting on 01-08-2015...

As per teleconference meeting among the circle executive body of snattawb , the following decision taken :
1)      100% of circle executive body member alongwith respective District secy, District President, District Treasurer have to attend the meeting for maximise the opinions in the meeting for further course of action in our circle as well as in CHQ
2)      The fund collection phase is to be completed within 10 aug, 2015 for previous Financial year  as per our previous decision at the time of AIC. The decision was to collectRs. 500/-per member( in which yealy monthly subscription Rs30/-*12 + 140 contribution for AIC). But at that time maximum SSA deposited only a lumpsum amount. Now we request to collect and deposit the residual part. If any treasurer could not understand , may call circle treasurer or Circle Secy or president.
3)      Agenda for discussion in CEC:a) discussion on pending issues at CHQ b) JTO LICE further course of action and situation of vacancy related issues in our circle.  c)revision of activity & restructuring of circle body if required. D) restructuring of inactive SSAs. E) fund Management.

F) miscellaneous

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Circle executive body meeting will be held on 22th August 2015 at CTO Building, Institute Hall, and Kolkata. The meeting will be conducted in two phase..........

1) Kolkata SSA body restructure (11 AM to 1PM)   


2) Circle Executive Committee meeting (1PM to 3PM)

All DR TTA of Kolkata SSA are requested to attend the meeting of first half and all 

Circle executive committee member including DP, DS & DT are hereby requested to attend the executive committee meeting of second half to make it a successful one.