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Friday, January 1, 2016

Charge handover for the post of auditor of SNATTAWB

Dear CEC members

It was decided in the last teleconference meeting of SNATTA WB Circle Executive Committee  held on 29.12.2013,that the auditor of SNATTA WB Sri Raghunath Mandal will be replaced
by Sri Sandip Das, TTA, Siliguri SSA.  

So it is notified herewith that, Sri Raghunath Mandal may be released from all the duties
of Auditor of SNATTA WBTC from the A/N of 31.12.2015, and Sri Sandip Das, TTA Siliguri
will hold the charge of Auditor of SNATTA WBTC w.e.f. 01.01.2016.